Community Organizations
Our Community partners are involved in struggles and programmes around farming,access and rights to land and services, husbandry, production, savings, farm workers, farm dwellers, community organising, community work,women’s rights, organising women’s development, gender justice, addressing violence against women, youth work, the devastation of mining on communities and development in their villages.
Association For Rural Advancement Land Rights Advocacy (AFRA)
AFRA is a land rights advocacy NGO actively working to support marginalized black rural people , ”with a focus on farm dwellers”
The organisation is working towards an inclusive society where basic human rights are valued, realised and protected. That essential services are delivered and land tenure is secure. AFRA works closely with, supports and advises communities in and around the uMgungundlovu District Municipality in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
Border Rural Committee (BRC)
BRC is a land and human rights organisation. Our organisation seeks to promote self-reliance through the implementation of a rights-based development agenda.
Honing on betterment restitution, backing community led sustainable livelihood initiatives is at the core of our work.
Our focus is on land and agrarian reform, advancement of rural livelihoods, equitable gender relations, and environmental sustainability (including the Just Transition).
Farmer Support Group (FSG)
The Farmer Support Group (FSG) believes in “Making land work for rural people”.
FSG is a community and outreach unit of the University of KwaZulu-Natal, established in 1985. FSG implements capacity development projects that engage and empower smallholder farmers. FSG works in KZN communities to enhance food security and ensures sustainable livelihoods amongst rural farmers
Legal Resources Centre (LRC)
Legal Resources Centre (LRC) to undertakes evidence-informed action focused work to advance the transformation of South Africa as a democratic society, using the law as an instrument to remove persistent and pervasive structural obstacles to human rights – with a targeted focus on land, as one of its programme areas.
The Land Network National Engagement Strategy (LandNNES)
The Land Network National Engagement Strategy (LandNNES), is a consultative civil society platform convening members to redress inequality and promote people-centred land governance in South Africa.
Nkuzi Development Association (NPC)
Nkuzi is a non-profit providing a range of services to historically disadvantaged communities and groups who aspire to secure and improve their right to land and natural resources. The organisation’s objectives are to empower landless people with the information and tools to influence land and agrarian reform policy and implementation so that they secure their rights, access, and control to land and natural resources and are able to use them equitably and effectively.
Support Centre for Land Change (SCLC)
SCLC is an NGO aimed at empowering men, women and youth in land redistribution and agrarian transformation through supporting people driven initiatives and challenging unjust social conditions which maintain skewed power relations. SCLC aims to prioritize farm dwellers and workers, and raise awareness around the exclusion and oppression of women in the sector.
They also aim to enhance rural communities access to alternatives for agrarian transformation and the protection of the environment and natural landscape, promoting rural landscapes and up-scaling of produce. Furthermore SCLC’s vision is that of a vibrant, sustainable countryside, where people live poverty-free, in dignity and where family values and culture is upheld.
Surplus People Project (SPP)
SPP envisions a future where all people have equitable and secure access to and control over land and sustainable natural resources that improve livelihoods, reduce poverty and inequality, and achieve climate justice and food sovereignty.
SPP works to achieve land and agrarian transformation through supporting community rights in land use, management and ownership; and working towards a just and transformative food system by promoting and showcasing agroecology as well as strengthening community organising and mobilising, and the building of
alliances for collective action
Trust for Community Outreach and Education (TCOE)
The Trust for Community Outreach and Education (TCOE), is a national collective of six NGOs and was established in 1983. TCOE envisages a society where the
rural poor, both men and women, have access and rights to land, marine and other natural resources for food security and the creation of sustainable livelihoods – a society that is responsive to the needs of the poor and that recognises and values the potential of all its citizens.
Women on Farms Project (WFP)
Women on Farms Project (WFP) is a feminist NGO that works with women, farm workers and dwellers in commercial agriculture in Western Cape and Northern
Cape, South Africa. The project grew out of a 1992 Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR) initiative aimed at meeting the specialised needs of women who live and work on farms (farmwomen). WFP was formally registered as an independent NGO in 1996. The vision of WFP is an engendered society that treats women who live and work on farms with dignity and respect in accordance with the constitutional rights guaranteed to all South African citizens